
DSP production from reed


  • Plywood, DSP (Wood Particle Board), and OSP (Oriented Strand Board) are widely used materials worldwide. These products, commonly utilized in construction, furniture, and various other industries, are primarily produced using wood as raw material.

Current Problem: The application of traditional methods in the production of plywood, DSP, and OSP leads to the following issues:

  • Weak durability and resistance to moisture;
  • Depletion of forest resources.

Solution: The use of reed and corn stalks as alternatives to wood.



  • The invention is a method for producing plywood using reed as raw material.
  • Application areas: Construction and furniture industries, transportation, packaging, etc.
  • Key Features/Advantages:
  1. The density and moisture resistance of DSP produced using this method are higher than those made from wood;
  2. It does not negatively affect forest resources;
  3. It can replace imports and provide high-quality raw materials for local production;
  4. It has export potential.